Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hashtag Updates

One. Finished the sketch portion of The Dream of St. Joseph. Sketching on a gessoed board feels like manual labor. I was ready to get to painting.

Two. Started painting. Sculpting a figure or object with paint and recreating a masterpiece gives you a serious power trip. 

Three. I attended my first figure drawing class last Friday. I was terrible. There was so much talent packed in that tiny back room in the HFAC. I'll try again next week.

Four. I went home for Christmas. Yes I've been in Provo for two weeks, and yes the new year started 18 days ago, but it still feels relevant. The best part about Christmas break and being home was falling back into an old familiar rhythm. Besides being endlessly fed, I made it back to my creative roots. I did a lot of drawing while my dad drank tea and read, something we've done for years. 

Five. My dad gave me a tripod head (and a vinyl player #wannabehipster) so we went shooting at Treasure Island. It's an old military base that overlooks the SF skyline. What I'm really proud of, though, is the stop motion I made of me drawing a gem. (See below)

Six. This. Because it's relevant. 

Darin's temporary studio in his new home

Love // Christelle


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